Career Champion: Alysia Pope

I’m beyond excited for this month’s boss babe, Alysia Pope! I met Alysia when she was Director of Events for Say HelloWellness and I attended an event in Chicago. I’ve followed her journey, and delicious recipes, before working with her as a health coach earlier this year. Alysia is a bright, bubbly gal to know and completely real, honest, and inspiring. Read more about this incredible Career Champion:


1) You are a health coach. Tell us about your career? How did you land these roles?

Yes! I absolutely love my job and the journey that brought me here. In college, I wanted to be an event planner, I thought it seemed like such an amazing, fun job and I always had a great attention to detail. Following college I was able to land a few jobs until I landed on an industry I truly loved - corporate event planning. I quickly excelled and was able to plan amazing events and experiences for companies throughout southern California and eventually back in my hometown of Chicago. Eventually though, I started hitting a wall with my creativity for corporate events. I was planning events that were amazing, however - I wouldn't want to attend them myself. I was lacking the passion that I used to have.

Around this time I had emerged back (way back) into the health and wellness space and my passion for it was astounding. It's all that I wanted to do, read about, write about, etc. Shortly after I stumbled upon HelloWellness and they were just expanding outside of NYC and needed assistance launching the events in Chicago. I took this on (while still doing my full time job), worked my ass off to make it successful (with the help of my mom) and voila! Eventually the founders, Sarah and Jenna and myself all became best friends (and still are to this day) and they had told me that they were taking the company full time and wanted me to be the Director of Events. My hardwork and dedication that I put into the first Chicago event had shown to them that I was both passionate and hardworking. It was the perfect role for me, combining both my skills and my passion into one career.

Throughout all of this is also around the time that I started my blog, PurelyPope. As I had mentioned, I'd always been into wellness but I started getting obsessed (in a good way.) My friends and family were always asking me what recipes to make, what they should prep for the week, should I eat this? Should I eat that? etc. The questions were endless! I put pen to paper and launched! After a while of having my blog, I wanted more validity behind my message and I started researching which landed my on IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) and I went back to school to become a health coach! I'm now pursuing my health coaching and blog full time and truly couldn't be happier. I feel like I've landed on my true calling.

2) How did you get into the wellness space and what attracts you to a career in wellness?

My mom is the person who has always cared a lot about overall health and wellbeing. She taught me how to cook delicious amazing meals (which is comical because my grandpa says she didn't know how to boil water at the age of 18!) She also taught me the importance of organic food, but also of balance - that you can be healthy and enjoy the chocolate and wine too. Career wise, I dove into the wellness space by landing a job with the startup HelloWellness as well as launching my blog PurelyPope. The thing that attracts me to a career in wellness is that it doesn't feel like a career. When I first began to take my consultation calls with clients (which are absolutely free!), I would get off of the phone (and still do), BEAMING. I was FUELED with energy. It simply didn't feel like work. I was able to help people feel better about themselves and in their bodies and that is the most powerful thing to me.

One thing I would say is this - if you're someone who wants to get into a career in the wellness space and are just starting out, focus on your specific talent first. For me, that was event planning. I first got a ton of experience planning a ridiculous amount of events from budgets of $3M - $10K. I then was able to immerse myself into the wellness industry under my skill umbrella. So whether you're a writer, marketer, in HR, finance, etc. - all of those exist in the wellness space too. Get good experience doing your skill first and go from there.

3) You are now a health coach, congrats! Tell us about the journey through the Integrative Nutrition and how you're building your business.

Thank you so much! It truly feels like I've found my calling and am really stepping fully into the woman who I know I'm meant to be, and that's an amazing feeling. I absolutely loved the Institute of Integrative Nutrition so much. I chose to do the 1-year program (there is also an accelerated 6 month option) and what I loved most about it is that you grow yourself along the journey as well. You cover everything from dietary theories and nutrition to business and marketing but with each step of the way you're encouraged to dive into it yourself. For example, if you're learning about the power of meditation, they will challenge you to meditate each day while you're going through that module. Each module is also taught by an expert in the field. I had the opportunity to learn from some of the best in the industry - Andrew Weil, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Oz, Gabby Bernstein and more. I couldn't recommend it more and I truly grew and learned so much on my journey through IIN.

In terms of how I'm building my business, I feel super lucky that I have a (small but mighty!) platform on Instagram that I can share my health coaching with. I'm in this for the long run and the long haul and I'm a big believer that slow and steady wins the race. I'm looking to give, give, give and then continue to build out and grow from there. I'm currently offering a free month of health coaching to clients in hopes that I can make more of an impact (vs. simply doing one free consultation.) I'm also working on other methods I can help people who may not require the full one on one coaching such as e-book programs and online courses. I'm a big believer in the fact that those who are successful just don't quit, so I'm putting my head down every day, continuing to build and put out valuable content to my audience + give, give give!

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4) What is it like to be a business owner/entrepreneur? What is your day to day life like?

I'm recently (and for the first time ever) a business owner and entrepreneur and I'm typing while I write this because it seems so surreal!! I find that when you're so passionate about what you're doing, it's easy to get up and do the work each day, but for me I rely heavily on time blocking.

My mornings are always a sacred time for me to get in a good mental headspace. This includes waking up, reading the daily stoic, writing in my 5 minute journal (as well as my top goals/to-do's for the day) and meditating for 5-10 minutes. From there, I get in my movement which is typically a pilates/yoga flow. I love BBFIT, Melissa Wood & Obe. By around 9am, I sit down and start working. As I mentioned, I rely heavily on time blocking and my calendar is planned out to the minute. I typically plan my next day the night prior (with the exception of things I pepper in at the beginning of the week, like my content calendar.) On some days, I focus 100% on content such as making new recipes, shooting them, getting them on my blog, pinterest, editing YouTube videos, and getting content ready to share on Instagram. Other days I focus 100% on my health coaching clients. I typically do clients on Tuesdays + Fridays. That means on Mondays + Thursdays I will be prepping for those sessions. I focus on really customizing each and every health coaching session so that my clients get the attention they deserve and the results they're looking for.

Mid day I usually take a walk to clear my head, have a break, connect with family, etc. Around 6pm I typically wrap up for the day and begin making dinner. As a recipe developer, I always try to maximize this time and make something new, shoot it and then we eat + enjoy :)

5) What is the most impactful moment of your career thus far?

Getting laid off (due to COVID-10.) :) It's crazy because I absolutely loved my job at HelloWellness, but I always knew that I wanted to do my health coaching full time at some point. The thing is though, we all have that safety net and I'm sure it would've taken me ages to leave and pursue this full time. It kind of forced me to get thrown right into it, and luckily I have the most supportive boyfriend who was 100% behind me pursuing this so we could make it work from a financial perspective.

6) Where do you see your career going in the next few years? What's your big aspiration?

Ahh I love this question, it makes me so excited for what's to come! I'm currently working on a labor of love - my first ever meal program/e-book called Leading with Love. It's all about my perspective on how true health and wellness and starts with and comes back to loving yourself. I would love to one day publish a hardcover book, too. From there, I want to start doing group coaching sessions so that I can reach more women, as well as offering online courses/programs. I will always do everything at a very affordable price point because I believe everyone deserves health + happiness :)

7) Go back to college graduation: what would you tell yourself?

To chill out on the partying, haha! And that you have to love yourself first and then all the rest will fall into place. Don't waste time trying to change yourself to make others happy, just do you.

8) How do you find inspiration?

We're lucky to be part of an amazing community on social media that I gain inspiration from all of the time. I gain a lot of my inspiration from talking with my clients as well. I see themes in my conversation and things will come to light that so many women need help with. Outside of that, I love to read to gain inspiration + knowledge!

9) Who is your role model?

My mom, Debbie. She's my best friend and she's a badass. I've gained so much of my work ethic from her, my love for wellness and cooking, travel, wine, and LIVING life. That lady knows how to live life to the fullest, will ALWAYS push my to be my best self in the best way and she's my biggest cheerleader. I love you mom!

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Rapid Fire

Favorite meal: Probably avocado toast right now! I love food for life baking bread, vegan cream cheese, tomato, sea salt + nutritional yeast. It's a killer combo!

Favorite workout: Currently - Bailey Brown's BBFIT

Favorite vacation spot: Naples, FL (my parents live here + it feels like home)

Favorite wine: Pinot Noir at night, Sauvignon Blanc during the day :)

Favorite phone app: FaceTime! My family is all over the country, so this connects us every day.

Best way to spend a Saturday night: Cooking at home, enjoying a glass of wine + cuddling with Nick.

Connect With Alysia:



Download her E-Book: Leading With Love

Schedule a Health Coaching Consultation