Professional Work

Cami Bartel, MBA (Almost!)

Expert Demand Strategiest

Strategic and passionate marketer, with over 7 years of experience, dedicated to building sustainable revenue through innovative, holistic campaigns. Fan of witty subject lines, breaking the forth wall of marketing, and data-driven decision making.



Currently pursuing my MBA at Arizona State University and a graduate of Texas Christian University, I study the impact of marketing on business decisions and financial health. I apply these learnings to my work and leverage insights to help brands drive sustainable revenue and profit.

My Marketing Philosophies

• People buy from people they like.
• Building true affinity for your brand is a long-term, sustainable path to generating revenue. Emphasis on long-term.
• We’re all tired of being sold at. We want marketing that’s engaging, enjoyable, and builds relationships instead.
• Content marketing is one of the most important roles in an organization. It’s how you build trust with your audience.
• Companies that make themselves part of a customer’s routine wins.
• We’re all human beings. Not doings. Let’s act like it with more grace, humility, and less robotic emails.