Why I'm doing Whole 30 and BBG in January

Yes, I am that person who is starting the new year with a new diet and new fitness routine. While it is cliché, and somewhat looked down on now, I am so excited to start this journey! I have my reasonings for these lifestyle changes and I wanted to explain.

Whole 30

I’ve been wanting to do Whole 30 for years! I really never believed I had it in me to complete it. That is until I followed along with Rachel Martino last year. She made Whole 30 seem so approachable and doable. Throughout this year I accomplished lots of little goals I set my mind to, giving me the confidence I needed to finally do it. I don’t want to spend another year thinking what if. I’d rather just go for it! 30 days is not that long, especially after we spent nine months in our homes in 2020….

The main reason I want to try Whole 30 is to repair my relationship with food. I was fueling my body properly and really listening to what it needed and how it reacted in 2018 and 2019 but after my honeymoon I stopped focusing on proper nutrition. I struggled the past year and a half to eat right for my body. It’s lead me to feel sick a lot, my skin is all out of whack, and I just don’t feel good. I stopped craving or enjoying vegetables and really only craving overly sweet things. I’m hoping to “reset” my taste buds and help repair my mind to food connection.

While losing few pounds I gained in quarantine would be nice, it’s not my main motivation. This is really a goal I’ve had in mind for years and I’m finally ready to take it on. I plan to update you every week throughout January so stay tuned for that!


If you remember or were around for that time, I completed BBG back in 2018. While I had mixed feelings about the program, it gave me the much needed confidence and stamina to continue my fitness journey during a plateau. That is exactly what I need right now.

While I’ve been consistently working out this year, I’ve done so without a plan or goal in mind. I’ve been unmotivated and just going through the motions. You know when you do a squat but you don’t go as deep as you could, etc. It’s been like that for the majority of this year. Just doing squats but not pushing myself as much as I know I can. That has lead me to be frustrated with fitness, which is heartbreaking to me because I love fitness.

To help reset my mindset with fitness, I’ve decided to go back to BBG. I love the structure of the plan and the progressive training. I’m looking forward to gaining the confidence and stamina I truly miss.

I plan to give an update every 4 weeks on BBG so stay tuned for that!

Final Thoughts

While these may be trendy new year resolutions, they mean so much more to me. When I’m my healthiest, I’m my happiest, and I haven’t felt like my true self in months. I’m ready to get back into my nutrition and fitness mindset so I can conquer 2021. After quarantine, I’m much less active and definitely feeling sluggish and not great about myself. I’m hoping this challenge will push me into the right direction of feeling confident in my skin again.

What are your goals for 2021? Any one joining me on Whole 30 or BBG?

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