Career Champion: Jordan Drankoski

One of my latest obsessions on Instagram has been Jordan Drankoski, also know as @dancing.for.donuts. I was so excited to connect with Jordan towards the end of 2020 and her content makes me smile everyday. Her joy and honesty is purely refreshing on Instagram and her recipes are delicious. Get to know this incredible Career Champion below!


1) Tell us about yourself! How do you describe your career?

Hi there! I’m a former professional dancer turned entrepreneur living in Los Angeles :) I currently run my own company called DFD Creative, which I’ve had for almost exactly 2 years now, and I’m a full time social media consultant and manager for small, women-owned businesses. On the side, I have a wellness blog called Dancing for Donuts, which I’ve had for almost 10 years. It’s always been just a passion project for me, but it’s become a big part of my life and has connected me with many amazing people!

2) Your instagram describes you as a blogger, social media maven for women-owned businesses, and a former pro dancer. What does your bio not tell us?

Ahh yes! My elevator pitch, basically haha I would say aside from that, I’m originally from New York, I attended NYU (the only college I ever wanted to go to!) and then moved to LA a week after I graduated. In the 10 years I’ve lived here, I feel like I’ve lived 5 lives! I was a professional dancer, nanny, model, hand model, restaurant hostess, business school student at UCLA, and then worked at ad agencies. All of these jobs helped me get to where I am today, and truth be told, I never would’ve imagined myself running my own business in social media.

3) What does your day-to-day look like?

I know most people probably say this, but every day is different! Most days I’m creating content for clients, which looks like sourcing content, taking photos and copywriting, but also answering emails, strategizing for campaigns, reaching out to influencers, and then balancing my Dancing for Donuts blog at the same time. The few things I keep consistent are my daily walks, snuggle time with my pup, and dinner with my boyfriend.

4) How did you decide to start your own business? How does it impact your career?

I decided to launch my own social media business after working at agencies and realizing I could do the same job but feel more in control of the people I worked with. I was super passionate about working with smaller companies (the bigger ones just didn’t resonate with me for multiple reasons!) and especially women. I always tell female business owners that I want us to “grow together” because being business women can be tough in this world!! We have to stick together. Some days I miss having a corporate job, but I always know I can go back to that life down the line if I really want to.

5) In addition to social media, you also sell the cutest tie dye sets! How did you get started in that?

Thank you!! I have 2020 to thank for that, I never would’ve thought people would be interested in that stuff!! I started tie-dying like most people at the beginning of quarantine, and then others would ask me to make them pieces. After selling a few, I thought maybe I should just launch a shop! I’ve always loved crafting and it’s really wonderful to see your creations make people happy :)

6) How do you balance so many different roles?

That is probably the toughest question ever and I’m not sure I have the answer, but I will try to just be honest and say that I definitely work more than I want to and more than is sustainable in the long term. I think a big part of it is prioritizing what’s most important or immediate, and for me that’s my clients for my consulting business! I try to focus on 3-5 tasks that absolutely have to get done in a day, and then any remaining time I give to my blog/instagram. I’ve actually taken a huge step back from Dancing for Donuts - I used to post 6-7 days a week, but now that I spend so much time on social media for clients, I don’t always have the capacity to post for myself. At the end of the day, I also still want to make time for my boyfriend, friends, and self, so I’m still learning what boundaries I need to set in order to do that! I will say that the world going on lockdown really helped me slow down and stop planning every second of every day, so I’m grateful for that.

7) What has been the biggest challenge in starting your business? Biggest reward?

Another tough one! There are so many on both fronts, but I would say the biggest challenge is learning to value yourself properly. Whether it’s for DFD Creative or Dancing for Donuts, I tend to charge less than I should or let myself be swayed into accepting less. I still struggle with this often, but I’m starting to truly understand my worth and my value! And in terms of a reward, being able to choose the work I accept and the people I work with will always be my number one. I feel aligned with the clients I have, which I don’t necessarily think would happen if I worked in a corporate role.


8) What advice would you give to any young woman looking to start a business?

I would say to take “calculated risks,” meaning do the research and prepare what you need to, but then take that leap. No time is likely going to feel like a good time, but we learn by doing! If you have an idea and you feel confident in it, go for it. Aside from maybe some money, hopefully you won’t have much to lose :)

9) Where do you see your career going in the next few years? What's your big aspiration?

My dream is to create some kind of product and/or course! I think a “time in exchange for money” model can be super tough, especially since there’s only so much time we can give! But that being said, I want to offer something that will truly help people and not just be more stuff.

10) How do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration mostly from Pinterest! It’s the only platform I don’t find myself comparing on, so I can scroll freely and look for ideas. I also look to blogs (I still read them!), podcasts, and even just life off screen. Being outside, talking with friends, and reading all help me so much.

11) Who is your role model?

My biggest role model is my mom! She also went to business school and then worked her way up in corporate until she started her own consulting company. She’s always worked hard, but also prioritized things like family and herself.

12) How are you embracing your career in 2021?

By knowing my worth! No more undercharging, taking work that doesn’t feel right, or saying yes to things that don’t serve me!

 Rapid Fire:

Favorite self-care practice: Reading before bed or walking

First place to travel after COVID: Hawaii, then Greece!

Favorite meal: a bagel with lox and cream cheese

Favorite book: I have so many, but anything mystery/thriller!

Favorite phone app: Pinterest

Best way to spend a Saturday night: Getting takeout and watching a movie with my bf and pup!

Thanks to Jordan for taking the time to share her story! Don’t forget to follow her on Instagram @dancing.for.donuts