Career Champion: Georgie Morley

This month I’m thrilled to introduce Georgie Morley as our Career Champion! Georgie has been an inspiration to me for years. I first found her Instagram account when I started my fitness journey and she inspired me never to give up. Flash forward she was one of those I found inspiration in when launching my own blog and to today, she inspires me creativity, entrepreneurially and personally. She’s a positive light on Instagram and I’m excited to have you hear more about her!

1) I've been an avid follower of yours for years now. You're a photographer, the host of the amazing Chasing Joy and co-host of the GalPals podcast, and an influencer - tell us about your career? 

I believe the through line in my career is telling my story and holding space for other people’s stories so that we can feel less alone and more comfortable being who we are meant to be. My goal with all my work whether it’s an interview or a photography job is to help that other person see their magic. I don’t want anyone to try to emulate my life, rather to feel excited to be the most true version of themselves, whatever that looks like.

2) You recently pivoted and changed your instagram handle from @init4thelongrun to @georgiemorley. What went into this decision? 

It felt like a natural evolution of my work. The in it 4 the long run brand worked for a long time and then it started to feel too small. I wanted to use my name because it gives me the flexibility to keep evolving what I do and better represents my work now which has moved away from wellness. Part of what I love about working for myself is my ability to quickly pivot and going by my name gives me more of that freedom to change and change as fast as makes sense.

3) One of the reasons I love to follow you is your positivity and realness. How did you open yourself up to sharing your life - both the highs and lows?

I think I’ve always been a sharer. Part of the creative process I love is sharing and having people interact with my work. For me sharing is also part of how I make meaning of my own story. I’ve gained so much from hearing other people’s perspective. It just helps you feel less alone and more empowered.

One caveat is that I try to still have strong boundaries with what and when I share the tough stuff. It’s important for me personally to have worked through the messiest parts before I can share. That way I’m unattached to the reaction and outcome.

4) What is one of the biggest lessons you've learned in your career? 

I know this is cheesy but trusting my gut. If you go into a situation having a weird feeling or feeling like your work isn’t being valued it almost never gets better. I’ve learned to walk away from things that look great on paper but didn’t feel right.

5) What is one of the biggest challenges you face in your career? 

Knowing when to take breaks and do less. I love so many different aspects of what I do and often bite off way more than I can chew. I am actively working on taking more time off, but as I’m typing this it’s 8pm on a Sunday night and I’m still working.


6) What's one thing your manifesting in 2020? 

My husband and I are manifesting a home on Nantucket. Excited to see how that comes about.

7) Where do you see yourself in the next few years? What's your big aspiration? 

Truthfully no idea. I’ll most likely still be living on Nantucket and working for myself but other than that I have learned to let the big things unfold in unexpected ways. I have more fun that way.

8) Go back to college graduation: what would you tell yourself?

Truthfully I think I wouldn’t want to tell her just how hard it was going to be the first few years out of college. It think my naive optimism worked in my favor. Just keep going, there’s no rush to figure it all out.

9) How do you find inspiration?

A combination of being present during daily life, spending time with people and listening to music.

10) Who is your role model? 

I can’t think of one person in particular, but I’m always inspired by people who live their truth.


Rapid Fire

Favorite self-care practice: Compassionate self-talk and tidying up

Favorite place to vacation: London

Favorite meal: My dad’s homemade mac’n’cheese recipe

Favorite book: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Favorite phone app: Lightroom Mobile (photo editing app)

Best way to spend a Saturday night: I’m a bit of a homebody so probably watching TV cozied up with my husband or the occasional outing with my girlfriends.