Career Champion: Sari Diskin

If you saw a honey cinnamon swirl banana bread recipe floating around Instagram, you probably made your way to Sari Diskin’s Instagram page, Eat Well with Sari. Full of delicious recipes, approachable wellness, and honesty, Sari is one of the most wholesome and kindhearted people on the app and in real life. Read on to learn more about this absolute sweetheart.



1) You are a content creator and food blogger. Tell us about yourself.  

Yes! I run and @eatwellwithsari full time. It is ultimately my dream job and I am so grateful. I get to create content about things I am passionate about and support myself doing it. My professional background and education is in corporate advertising so I have taken those skills and applied them in my own business. I love everything about health and wellness, but also make sure my life is balanced! Sharing how I navigate that with the world brings me so much joy. I am also a wife, a sister, an aunt and friend and those roles are just as important :) 


2) How did you get into cooking/baking? 

I grew up in a house where home cooked meals were on the table every single night. I love spending the time to learn about new foods, experiment and make delicious things. Food brings me so much joy!


3) How did you decide to pursue content creation in the food space full-time? 

I had left the corporate advertising world and decided to pursue something I always loved! The rest fell into place with hard work, dedication, and a few risks :) 


4) I am obsessed with your page! How do you create your own recipes? What's the process like? 

 I literally just think of things in my head and go for it. I generally understand how things work with cooking and baking so I just use those standard principles and adjust accordingly. Sometimes I think of recipe ideas in the middle of the night and write them down. You never know when creativity and inspiration will hit!




5) What does your day to day look like? 

 I love morning routines! I meditate, enjoy my coffee slowly, take my supplements and workout. This really sets me up for a good day. Each day looks different for me after that. Sometimes I am doing computer work all day and sometimes I am testing recipes all day. It all depends on what is going on and when content is due. I love how I can choose how to structure my time! 


6) What is the most impactful moment of your career thus far? 

I hosted an event in Chicago this past winter and it really solidified why I do what I do! I love bringing people together over a common passion and a goal of living our lives to the fullest.


7) Where do you see your career going in the next few years? What's your big aspiration? 

I am honestly not sure. The past few years of @eatwellwithsari have brought incredible people, opportunities and new experiences into my life. I am excited to see what comes next. I hope it continues to flourish and positively impact people's daily lives.


8) Go back to college graduation: what would you tell yourself?

That you do not need to have the next 10 year planned. It is ok to try new things, change your mind and pivot. There is always room for improvement and new experiences. Open your mind.


9) How do you find inspiration?

Through my personal relationships and my personal experiences. 


10) Who is your role model? 

My grandfather, Marvin. He taught me to take the road less travelled and be grateful for the people in your life who get you to where you are.  He is an inspiration and made a massive impact in the field he worked in for decades - Orthopaedic Surgery.



@eatwellwithsari (Honey Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread)

@eatwellwithsari (Honey Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread)

Rapid Fire:

Favorite recipe of yours: My Honey Cinnamon Swirl Banana Bread & My Vegan Red Peanut Curry

Favorite workout: Circuit Training, Sculpt Classes, Dance Cardio and Barre

Favorite vacation spot: Arizona Hiking and Florida Beaches

Favorite part of Chicago*: The food

Favorite phone app: Instagram and Simple Habit App or Headspace for meditation 

Best way to spend a Saturday morning: Sleeping in and making a delish brunch!

*At the time of writing, Sari was a resident of Chicago. At publication, Sari is now living near Detroit, Michigan.