Gift Guide: For the Guys

Jake so graciously dedicated his time and talents to help me prep this blog post for you. I don’t know about you but guys are so hard to shop for! I can only ever think of stereotypical gifts for them but I always want to be more creative. Here’s a few ideas to help you get started and as a bonus, most are less than $100.

Directly shop this post through the graphic or directly shop on my Amazon page here.


video games

Every guy I’ve ever been friends with has always asked for video games for Christmas. If you don’t know a specific game they’d like, head to GameStop to grab a gift card. I recommend GameStop since guys often have different consoles for playing and GameStop has something for every type.

Jake recommends:

  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

  • Borderlanes 3

  • Gears of War 5

other games/entertainment ideas


dress shirts & ties

Jake almost always asks for new dress shirts every year. These are a bit hard to shop for if you don’t have your guy’s size, so consider grabbing a gift card instead.

Jake recommends:

  • Men’s Warehouse

  • Kohl’s

  • Macy’s

comfy sweats/PJ pants

Jake loves being comfy and could live in his sweats if he had the choice. These are definitely a no-fail.


They’ll never be late to a date again…just kidding :)

Sports Tickets

If you score tickets to his favorite game, you will win at gifts hands down. The cheapest tickets are normally basketball or hockey games on weeknights or pre-season baseball.


I mean, do I need to say more? Now I can’t directly link alcohol, but here’s some fun related items. The best alcohols to buy, if you go that route, are beer, whiskey and bourbon.

Happy Shopping!

styleCami Fannin